Give The Gift Of Time This Mothers Day!

Maid in Essex

And no, we don’t mean buy your mum a watch! What better way than to show the woman in your life how much you love her than giving her  a couple of hours off!  Take her to lunch by all means, maybe buy her flowers and gifts, but we think she would really appreciate a couple of hours of “mum time” the best!

With this in mind, we think buying your mum a visit from one of our Maids would be a brilliant gift.  Your mum, wife or significant other can rest assured knowing  that while they relax doing what they love best, the cleaning will be taken care of for them.  The modern working mother spends most of her days juggling work, children, cooking, cleaning and other associated mum chores!  It’s exhausting!  But we know that with so many mums having to go back to work early these days, a cleaning service really can make a big difference to the amount of quality time spent with the family.

But how else can you “buy” her some extra time? Of course we would recommend getting one of our Maids in as your first choice, but here are some ideas for personalised “vouchers” that can gift her some thoughtful help and show her how much you and the children appreciate all the hard work she does!

relaxing bath

1. Let her relax!

Why not have the children run her a nice relaxing bath and let her luxuriate in their for an hour or so.  You could add scented candles, maybe even some rose petals, or perhaps a cheeky glass of her favourite wine to help her relax.  Remember though, it’s not Valentine Day, so you are going for relaxing as opposed to sensual! Why not buy her a good book for her to read while she relaxes.  You would be amazed how wonderful a long soak feels when you know that you can just enjoy it and not worry about having the get other stuff done!

2. Make Her Breakfast In Bed

breakfast in bed

This is a pretty traditional way to start your Mothers Day, and burnt toast and spilled coffee will be served throughout homes everywhere.  But with a bit of planning, even young children can serve up a delightful brekkie for mum.  Purchase croissants or pastries – no cooking needed – and opt for juice over hot drinks.  This way the children can help plate it up and feel like they really have given mum a delicious treat.  Pop a single flower in a vase to make it even more special. Dads can bring in coffee or tea as an additional extra.

3.  Help With The Chores

Why not have the kids write out some IOU’s – could be to wash up after dinner, to make beds, to help load the dishwasher or any of a variety of day to day chores. Of course, we generally try and teach out kids to help out every day of the year, but rather than making it a power struggle – have them offer to do this willingly for a change!

kids washing up

4.  No fighting

This is a great idea!  If your kids continually squabble and drive their mum mad, how about asking them to enter into a “no fighting” agreement for the day. Just one day of no bickering could make all the difference to mum, and give her some peace and quiet for once!


5. Let Her Do As She Pleases!

Dads, how about letting your lady spend the day exactly as she wants to?  Rather than fighting to get a table at a busy restaurant, or forcing the kids to behave for the day, you could just let her have a “get out free pass”.  Perhaps she could spend the time shopping, or catching up with friends.  In the meantime, you and the kids could take control of the housework and food preparation.

Whatever you do to show the lady in your life how much you love and appreciate her, don’t forget that Mothers Day is 15th March this year.  Maid In Essex would be delighted to have one of our Maids come and clean or iron for her as a special treat.  Call us on 01277 812220 or click here to contact us by email to find out more.

Tags: cleaners, cleaning, essex, Ironing, Mothers Day