Latest Service Update

The Government guidelines for lockdown has been updated on restrictions – however it does still further clarify that domestic cleaners can continue to carry out work in people’s homes, provided that the cleaning ladies adhere to Government recommend guidelines including maintaining social distancing from household occupants as far as possible.

The government also published specific guidance for tradespeople (including cleaners) for carrying out work inside people’s homes here.

As a business we are protecting the cleaning ladies and our clients as far as possible during the COVID-19 outbreak. It is of course important that a clean house is even more essential during these times.

  • We have asked our cleaning ladies to take all the precautions they can.
  • If you or anyone in your household have any symptoms or has been in contact with anyone who has, please let us and your cleaner lady know as soon as possible.
  • We have also informed our cleaning ladies to do the same if they or anyone in their household displays any symptoms or requires a Covid test.
  • We have always ensured that the same dedicated cleaning lady attends the same clients each clean and that the cleaning ladies only use the clients’ cleaning materials, to prevent cross-contamination.

Social Distancing & Face Coverings

Cleaning is one of the few exceptions for entering clients’ homes; it is incredibly important that cleaners respect Government guidelines and clients’ wishes when they are entering a property.

  • Cleaners must always observe social distancing.
  • Face coverings are not mandatory, however if the client asks for them to wear one, then they should be prepared to do so.

We are open for business and offering a cleaning service whilst ensuring the health and safety of all our cleaners and clients and Maid in Essex would like to thank you for your continued custom at this difficult time, it is much appreciated.